Kamis, 28 Maret 2019

Post-Octopalypse Week One: A Trio Of Troubles

So, I got a solid bit of time this week, so cranked out three of the models I'd been working on for my  This Is Not a Test Mutant Warband.  So, here they are, coming at you live and in person in ARMAGEDDONSCOPE!

So, there's a lot of reasons why I wanted to do Mutants for our TNT campaign.  The first reason being I was pretty sure I could compile a really nice ragtag of models out of things just lying around in the bottom of my mountain of metal.  You know, those "Isle of Misfit Models" pieces that either look really good, or are on a really massive sale, but you can't ever figure out how to work them into a force?  Well, Mutants get it done!

From Day One, there was no question about who my leader was gonna be. He was gonna be the biggest, baddest, meanest model I could field.... and it turned out it was this guy.  I don't remember who the manufacturer was (Fenryll maybe?), but I got him on the cheap because something had smashed the blister, and even for an Orc (which he was originally) he face was smashed and deformed.  I had tried three or four times to rescultp something, but it never had the right look.  But as a ten foot tall post apoc mutant?  Sure, give him a post-apoc mask a la Lord Humungus, and we're in business.   

Just walk away. Leave the dice, and just walk away.

Next up to bat was an Abomination.  What can I say, I like'em big.  Actually, I like'em with more than one wound, and the "Big" mutation does that.  Again, I don't remember which line this guy is from (Reaper possibly?) but his "stitched together" construct nature made an easy translation to "mutant with lost of scars."  He's big, he's ugly, and paired with Lord Mutungus that's four wounds of armored close combat nastiness coming at my opponents hard and fast.

And last, but by no means least, is my first completed actual World's End model  I picked up the Husk to actually use as a psyker. Sure, the model looks like a piece of human meat jerky... but really, are you sure that's not appropriate for a mutant?  The nice thing is he can serve dual purpose as an actual Husk should anyone in the campaign need one in a game.  Psykers have some really nice advantages that you can't get any other way in the game, so even though you can't choose which psychic ability you start with, I'm confident it will be a beneficial one.

So, there you have it, three uglies ready to rock and roll in some TNT action soon.  Hopefully even this week!

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